Friday, 20 November 2015

Representation of Ethnicity

Thomas Tomone- Skins:
Thomas stands as being one of the only characters on Skins who is not British-born, having originated from SanghaRepublic of the Congo. Thomas is represented in a stereotypical way. This is because he is a migrant who has recently arrived in Bristol and is unused to the change in climate and the British way of life. He is also stereotypical due to is love for athletics and music. 

Curtis Donovan- Misfits:
Curtis started out as a rising athlete whose goal to become an Olympian was destroyed when he was found guilty of drug possession. He is displayed in a stereotypical way due to his passion for running which is a common stereotype about black people. He is also represented in a stereotypical as he is doing community service because of drug abuse which again is a typical stereotype towards black individuals. 

John Luther- Luther:
Detective Chief Inspector John Luther works for the Metropolitan Police Service, in the Serious Crime Unit. Luther is a respected detective and has one of the highest positions in his job. He is shown to have power and control over people which represents him as a counter-type. It is unusual for a black individual to be in the highest position of power. 

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Mini McGuinness- Skins:
Mini is considered as being the 'queen bee' at her college in Skins. She is shown as a stereotypical 'white girl' who cares a lot about what she looks like, the drama that is happening and the people she is friends with. 
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Kelly Bailey- Misfits:
Kelly is shown as being a typical 'chav' with scrapped back hair, heavy makeup and a strong accent. She is represented as being a counter-type to the typical 'dumb blonde' who spends hours doing their hair and makeup. However she is shown as being a stereotypical 'chav' which are normally associated with white, British, anti-social teenagers. This is backed up by her doing community service. 

The Doctor- Doctor Who:
The Doctor is shown in a stereotypical way as he is in the position of power and authority. He has a lot of control over people as he is seen as knowing the most. This is stereotypical towards white people because in the UK the people in power are typically white. For example the Queen and the Prime Minister.  


Lorna Bucket- Doctor Who:
Lorna Bucket is shown in a stereotypical way because she is in the army which demonstrates that she is good at fighting. This is a typical stereotype which is used towards Chinese people. However she is also a counter-type because young Chinese girls normally wouldn't be able to fight in the army, but she does. 

603 Glenn Wary
Glenn Rhee- The Walking Dead:
Glenn is bright, loyal, resourceful, fast, quick-thinking, and brave. He doesn't live the stereotypical Chinese lifestyle, instead he puts himself in extreme danger to help the group.

Mei Chang- Orange is the new Black:
Chang isn't the stereotypical Chinese women. She is an organised crime leader which is a counter-type to the typical well behaved woman. She also got rejected as a wife due to her appearance which is non-stereotypical also as it means that she wouldn't be married which is unusual. 

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Anwar Kharral- Skins:
Anwar is shown as being a counter-type to the typical Pakistani Muslim. He isn't serious about his faith as he drinks, takes drugs, eats pork and has premarital sex. However he is represented as being stereotype in some ways. For example he does pray five times a day and believes that homosexuality goes against his race. 

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Alisha Daniels- Skins:
Alisha is represented as being the stereotypical pretty Asian girl. She cares a lot about what she looks like and gets a lot of male attention. However she is a counter-type to the typical Asian teenager who is really clever and cares about her education. This is shown because she is having to do community service.  

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Brook Soso- Orange is the new Black:

Brook is of Scottish and Japanese heritage which could be seen as unusual and non-stereotypical. She is also a counter-type to the typical quiet and well behaved Asian as she is in prison for starting a protest. However, she has the stereotypical mother who was very strict and wanted her to be good at everything. 

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