Doug Bihlmaier:
When I first saw this picture I thought that this man looked scruffy by the clothes that he is wearing, for example his patchwork trousers. I thought he might be unemployed or retired. By the way he is standing it looked like he is quite relaxed which made me think that he might not have anywhere to go or anything to do, even though it looks like it's the middle of the day and everybody around him is busy.
Who he actually is:
Doug Bihlmaier works for Ralph Lauren and this picture was taken while he was having a break outside of his work. Bihlmaier has a quirky sense of style which is demonstrated in this picture of him. He wears very expensive clothes which is shown by the perfectly tailored trousers and the shoes that he is working. Bihlmaier works in fashion which is shown through the way he dresses.
Ralph Lauren:
I thought that this man looked very wealthy as he seems to be stood in a manor house or a palace. The clothes he is wearing demonstrates that he cares about what he looks like and has the money to spend on expensive clothes. By his smile I thought that he looked quite proud of what he has or what he has achieved in his life.
Who he actually is:
Ralph Lauren is a fashion designer who has created a very successful brand. The brand has a English style which is shown in this picture of him. The Polo Lounge restaurant is where he is in the picture, he owns that as well as his brand. There is a English theme throughout the restaurant too. Ralph Lauren is very powerful in the world of fashion.

Lynn Yaeger:
When I saw this I thought that she looked quite wealthy due to her clothes (fur coat and mac) and her jewelery. I originally thought that she may have a job in fashion due to her clothes and out there makeup choices. She looks middle aged which may mean that she has been in her job for a while which would mean that she is wealthy.
Who she actually is:
Lynn works for Vogue which demonstrates why she has such a quirky fashion sense; she works in the fashion industry. When she isn't writing about fashion, she can be found haunting flea markets all over the world. This demonstrates her own individual personality which links to her own individual style.

Ted Bundy:
When I saw this picture I thought that the man seemed like he could be rich because of the way he is dressing.He looks fairly young- mid 30s. He seemed passionate with what he was saying by looking at his body language, which demonstrates that he may be a lawyer fighting somebody's case.
Who he actually is:
Ted Bondy was a serial killer who targetted women. He looked like a trust-worthy, normal man which he took advantage of. He attempted to get girls to accept a lift from him, so then he could attack them. A few escaped but 100 was killed. However Bundy was sent to the electric chair in 1989, aged 42.

Edward VIII:
My first thought when I saw this picture was that he looked very wealthy because of what he is wearing and his setting. His hairstyle makes him look intelligent which made me think that he probably has a well paying job. He reminded me of Prince Charles as he looks slightly like him.
Who he actually is:
This is Edward VIII who was the King of the United Kingdom. He was titled Duke of Windsor in 1937. It takes its name from the town where Windsor Castle is found. Edward was very well known for how he tied his tie. It was named the 'Windsor Knot'. The Windsor Knot is a thick, wide and triangular tie knot that projects confidence. Edward VIII was a style icon because of this.

River Phoenix:
My first judgement when I saw this picture was that he could be a teenager living alone in a big city, for example NYC. As I thought that he was living alone, I thought that he may have a well paying job. He looked like he could be an actor or a model. By what he is wearing it seems as though he cares about what he looks like. For example the holes in his t-shirt look like they are there on purpose, this demonstrates that he cares about what he looks like, because he is wearing an edgy t-shirt.
Who he actually is:
This is River Phoenix who is an actor and has modelled. He is known for being in: Stand by Me (1986), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) and My Own Private Idaho (1991), as well as many more. River was seen as being a hippy and was a vegan. He sadly died in 1993, aged 23.
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