Still representing status and style, it’s about partying, looking good and staying ahead of cool. Stylers hold strong on the UK Tribes map – innately cool and stylish, the rising influence of Urban fashion and music have made them a hugely aspirational Tribe for youth today. As luxe sportswear and Urban high fashion has hit the Aspirants, more young people than ever before are looking like a Styler and aspiring to their luxury lifestyle.
I think I am part of the stylers as I have a huge interest in fashion, especially urban fashion. I love vintage sportwear and put a lot of thought into the outfits I wear. I also have a big interest in music and think that my style matches my music taste.
Trendies are driven by beautiful things and beautiful people, Trendies love fashion and are always looking for the next big trend!
They’re the biggest outwardly ‘brand-me’ Tribe – they’re universally aspirational in fashion and music, both offline and online.The rise of Mainstream Brand Me behaviours and fast fashion means the Trendies are still going strong and are one of the biggest Tribes on the map in 2015. Their influence is if anything growing, as more and more Trendies lean towards vlogging and sharing their super-soft-focus, Instagrammable lives online – inspiring younger teens to live a perfect life.
I think that I am also part of this tribe as I am always inspired by different peoples styles. I mainly get influenced on social media sites such as Instagram. I follow a lot of interesting people on there who dedicate their accounts to fashion. I also get influenced by celebrities and models. Gigi Hadid for example has influenced me with difference outfits.
Media figures:
Do you consciously 'model' (copy modes of dress, style yourself, act like) yourself on any of these media figures? Why is that?
I think that I do consciously 'model' myself on these media figures. This is mainly through modes of dress and how I style myself, however some of my actions may be influenced by them subconsciously. I look for fashion inspiration from them as I like the way that they look and how they portray themselves.
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